Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Welcome to Coach Rushing Math! Read Here First!

Me at the College World Series in Omaha, NE.  If you like sports, it's an incredible place.  But anyway...

Hey all, this website was created to help students with math.  The majority of the content on the site will link directly to my classes I teach, but if you are not one of my students, feel free to ask any math-related questions at anytime.  I'll be glad to help however I can.  For my students, this site is for you.  I will be posting important dates, announcements, class notes (hopefully, if I can link Smartboard files) and even some extra credit opportunities as well. 

My goal is to make this an interactive site for you.  If you have questions about homework or what we did in class, here is the place to ask.  I will be glad to answer any questions you have regarding assignments or even tonight's homework.  Like I tell you about my class, this website will be as good as YOU make it!

As you know, I am here to help.  Let's have fun while we learn!

You can also follow me on Twitter @CoachRushing.  I check it daily and will be glad to answer any questions you may have, if I can answer it in less than 140 characters!  I will also be dropping some extra credit opportunities on my Twitter account as well.   

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