Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Math 2 Extra Credit Opportunity Here!!

You want extra credit?  Here's your chance!  This is due Friday 8/31!

Click the link below to read the article.


After reading the article, respond by answering the following questions in a double-spaced, 12 point format or legibly:

  • What is the drop in IQ for those who began using marijuana as a teenager?  State this in terms of points lost as well as percentile drop.
  • Based on the research, is there a correlation between intelligence (IQ) and marijuana use as a teenager?  Would it be positive or negative?
  • Using the research done in the study, is there sufficient evidence to prove causation?  Specifically, does teen marijuana use cause lower intelligence as an adult? Why or why not?
Thoroughly answer the above questions in the appropriate format to earn 25 extra credit points!  This is due by Friday 8/31 at the end of the school day.

LOOK HERE!  You may also earn 10 extra credit points by posting your opinion of this article in the comments section below this post.  What do you think about the article you just read?  

Take advantage!
Coach Rushing

Monday, August 20, 2012

Math 2 Test Alert! Plus Some Stats Notes...

Hey guys, just a quick reminder that our first Unit "Test" will be this Wednesday, August 22.  It will be a test grade, but it is more like a project. 

Your job will be to develop a survey question, with a numerical answer, so that you can poll the other members of the class. 

Suitable questions:  "How many inches tall are you?"  "How many hours do you watch TV each day?"

Unsuitable questions:  "Do you like hamburgers?"  "What is your favorite color?"

Catch my drift?

You will be using our different sampling techniques to sample to class population's data and will be setting up a bell curve for the entire class population.

Study your sampling vocab hard!

Here are our notes from the first week of class:
As always, ASK QUESTIONS if you have them.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Welcome Back!

Somebody hacked my Twitter this summer, so nobody knows what I did either...

Welcome back for the 2012-2013 school year!  I hope everyone had a great summer and was able to relax as much as I did.  That said, we've got to hit the ground running this fall and make this the best year yet.

Here is my schedule for the Fall 2012 semester:

1st Block-Math 2
2nd Block-Planning
3rd Block-Math 2 Support
4th Block-Math 2

Below is a copy of the course syllabus for all Math 2 classes.  Note that the End of Course Test is a mandated 20% of the final average again this year.

Parents, please feel free to contact me via the website, Twitter or by email this year.  Again, I'm trying to make everything as interactive as possible so that you are aware of what is going on in your child's education.

Let's do this!

Math 2 Course Syllabus